
The Aeration Zone: A liberal breath of fresh air

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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Why an Alito Fillibuster wouldn't hurt the Dems

Publius makes a very good point today. He reminds us that though the polls seem to show that the public wants Alito confirmed by a 54% to 30% margin, they also say that if they thought he would vote against Roe they would be against him 56% to 34%.

As Publius points out, anyone who has spent any time looking into Alito knows that the chances are very strong that he will vote to overturn. Obviously, the people aren't paying much attention, which means they don't care much, which means they won't care much if he is blocked.

Therefore, the Dems wouldn't be harmed significantly if they chose to fillibuster.

Unfortunately, the inside-the-beltway "wisdom" doesn't work that way.


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