
The Aeration Zone: A liberal breath of fresh air

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Monday, May 22, 2006

All's quiet in the fourth estate

Glenn Greenwald asks why there hasn't been an outcry from the press about the President's efforts to jail journalists who report things Bush doesn't like having reported. Good question. Why hasn't there?

I'm guessing there may be two or three possible reasons:

1) The don't want to toot your own horn syndrome. It will be seen as self-serving and will backfire.

2) The ostrich with it's head in the sand syndrome. They don't think the threat is real.

3) The Fox New syndrome. I'm already bought and paid for.

4) The opossum syndrome. If we roll over and play dead, maybe nobody will notice us.

Whatever the reason, the rest of us can't carry their water for them all the time.


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