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Friday, May 19, 2006

Bush wins another round

The lawsuit brought by Mr. el Masri, the German citizen the US kidnapped, shipped to Afghanistan, tortured, and then released in Albania has been tossed out by the Court. The judge fears it might reveal our secret war crimes to the world, and we certainly couldn't have that happen.

A US court has dismissed a lawsuit brought by a German citizen who says he was kidnapped and beaten by the CIA.

Khaled el-Masri aimed to sue former CIA chief George Tenet and other officials for their alleged role in the "extraordinary rendition" programme.

Mr el-Masri says he was picked up in Macedonia in 2003 and flown to Kabul, Afghanistan, where he alleges torture.

The judge did not rule on the truth of the allegations, but said letting the case proceed might endanger security.


Blogger ChiTom said...

And here I thought that the conservative types running the country held to unchanging and overarching moral values. Guess not.

At least the court has now estabblished that there is no longer any moral difference between our government's practices and those of Saddam's. (Except that Saddam did his dirty work in-house; The Regime always believes in outsourcing.)

Hail, Caesar!

11:22 AM  

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