
The Aeration Zone: A liberal breath of fresh air

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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Al Gore

There seems to be growing speculation that if Al Gore wins the Nobel Peace Prize this Friday, as many expect, he will throw his hat into the presidential ring. I'm somewhat dubious but hopeful. I'd really like to see someone in the race who could beat Hillary. It's not that I don't think Hillary could make a good president, she could. The problem is that I'm afraid she will want to keep most of the powers Bush has grabbed. And, it's not clear she's committed to ending the Iraq war or staying out of Iran, either. I find her very troubling on that score. I'll vote for her if she's the nominee, but I'd really prefer someone else. Absent Gore, Edwards is my first choice and Obama second, but I'm afraid neither have the clout to knock her off her pedestal. Gore does.

Go Gore, go!


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