
The Aeration Zone: A liberal breath of fresh air

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Friday, November 21, 2008

For your war-chest: liberal media treatment of Clinton in 1993

Thorough discussion of major media treatment of Clinton during his '92-'93 transition and so-called honeymoon period, with compare-and-contract exercise with 2001. Get your Big Media phone numbers and email addresses ready. We have to make them suffer as much as possible the second they start pulling this crap again. Does anyone doubt it's coming?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Following the link to the article by Eric Boehlert and reading it in its entirety is well worth the time spent. Examining people's biases is always of upmost importance when reading or listening. An awareness of biases greatly limits the amount of manipulation of some people by others.

10:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets see, I should go to another site to read another artical from some one who makes a living manipulating people to his opion, not matter what the truth really is. Please define truth for us, so we simple minded one's can understand and stop being manipulated.

6:02 PM  

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