
The Aeration Zone: A liberal breath of fresh air

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Saturday, December 10, 2005

To Roe or not to Roe, that is the question

Armando, over at Daily Kos, makes a pretty compelling argument against those who think the Democrats are politically wrong to place so much emphasis on saving Roe v. Wade. He makes the point that a judge likely to overturn Roe is likely to overturn many other rights we hold dear. Then, he goes on to say,

Democrats can only be the Rational Party, the Moderate Party, the Sane Party if they stand firmly against the extremists. Given the feeling of the American People that Democrats don't stand for much imagine what they will think if Dems stop fighting for the right to privacy! Why then would a moderate voter look to Dems to protect them against the Extremism of the Republican Party?

In short, to give up on Roe is to throw away any notion the American People have left that Dems stand for anything. It is to rip apart the progressive wing of the Party and fracture Democrats in a way that was last seen when the civil rights laws were passed.

I'm certainly persuaded that we should try to stop the appointment of Alito or others like him. I'm not sure I'm persuaded that we should focus on the abortion issue in doing so. There are so many other things to dislike about the guy.


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