
The Aeration Zone: A liberal breath of fresh air

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Friday, May 12, 2006

Satellite spying on Americans?

Think Progress reports that Russell Tice will testify to the Senate Armed Services Committee next week about the illegal activities of the NSA:

CongressDaily reports that former NSA staffer Russell Tice will testify to the Senate Armed Services Committee next week that not only do employees at the agency believe the activities they are being asked to perform are unlawful, but that what has been disclosed so far is only the tip of the iceberg.

The government has dismissed Tice as a whistle-blowing nutcase. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. I'm beginning to think that he sounded like a nut only because the truths he was telling were so egregious that nobody could believe them. Now we're beginning to learn that there is nothing this government won't do if they want to, no matter how egregious it may sound nor how illegal it may be. Tice is reputedly going to say that the NSA spying includes illegal satellite spying on Americans.

Maybe they're taking pictures of me while I sunbathe in the buff on my deck in the back yard. Hope they enjoy a good laugh.


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