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Sunday, November 19, 2006


What's Kevin Drum been smoking? Here's his most recent post:

OVERSIGHT....What should be the main targets for Democratic investigations in the new Congress? Ron Suskind recommends (a) the energy industry, (b) lying to Congress about domestic issues like global warming and Medicare, (c) lying to the public about Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman, (d) nonterrorists who have been subjects of warrantless wiretaps, and (e) continued incompetence in the intelligence community.

Seems like a decent list.

Is this supposed to be tongue in cheek or something? What else could it be? His first commenter comes up with the following list of thirteen items all of which I give higher priorty than those on Suskind's list:

Here is my quick outrage list:

1. Torture and contravention of the Geneva Coventions to which we are a signatory.

2. Persons detained without charges and subjected to torture.

3. Abramoff and parties influence on White House Operations.

4. GOP Propaganda purchased with public revenue

5. 9-11

6. Election fraud, and violations of the Voting Rights Act

7. Katrina and willful negligence to punish citizens of color in New Orleans.

8. Oil price collusion

9. Gross negligence in the prosecution of the wars in Aghanistan and the Middle East, including and not limited to the inadequate purchase of protective gear and the misappriopriation of funds intended to better outfit the American military

10. Signing Statements and the conspiracy to defy constitutional separation of power by changing the intent of legislation to suit political dictates and circumvent judicial review

11. Environmental Protection malfeasance endangering the health and safety of the United States and its allies

12. Willfully corrupting data from accountable governmental agencies for political benefit to the detriment of investors, international trade organizations, and other entities who required objective ecomonic and scientific data.

13. Advancing the position of fundamentalist Christians to a quasi-state religion, with unaccounted access, secretly crafted legistaion and executive orders intended to promote fundamentalist issues over other religious and secular interests.

Posted by: Sparko on November 19, 2006 at 12:46 AM | PERMALINK


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