
The Aeration Zone: A liberal breath of fresh air

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Monday, December 04, 2006

Palestine: Peace not Apartheid

I haven't commented on President Carter's latest book, Palestine: Peace not Apartheid, primarily because I haven't had a chance to read it yet. However, from everything I hear about it, he's right on the mark. So, of course, it's no surprise that the "you're an anti-Semite" stuff comes out of the closet:

During an appearance on C-SPAN's Book TV to promote his new book about Israel, former President Jimmy Carter was bashed by a call-in viewer as a "racist, bigot, and anti-Semite."

"Aurora" from Illinois thanked Carter for "making" her a Republican, due to his "incompetence in handling the Iranians" and by "cozying up with every dictator, thug, Islamic terrorist there is."

"But more importantly, I find it to be vile because of your blackest heart, because you’re an anti-Semite," the caller continued. "And let me explain why I think you’re a bigot and a racist and an anti-Semite…"

This is the standard American response to anyone who criticizes the Israeli government. We even get it at this blog periodically.

Who organizes this, or even if it is organized, I don't know for sure, but it's standard operating procedure and seems to work about the same way as the Republican noise machine did during the first five years of the Bush operation, although maybe more effectively.

I have an Arab friend who, after having lived in this country for many years, told me he was astounded at how, everytime some negative news would hit the press about Israel, movies like the "Diary of Anne Frank" would suddenly appear out of nowhere on the TV networks, as if it was a planned response.

Unfortunately, evey politician has learned that it is the kiss of death to criticize Israel, so none do, and, on the very rare occasions when they do, they are instantly destroyed.


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