
The Aeration Zone: A liberal breath of fresh air

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Saturday, March 17, 2007

Ignoring the inconvenient truths

I've been spending most of my time for the past day trying to keep one step ahead of this storm of ice pellets that's hit us here in the Northeast, so I haven't been able to pay much attention to how the press covered the Plame testimony, but this AP headline really got me:

Plame sheds little light in leak case

If that isn't a typical Republican reaction, I don't know what is. She outright contradicted statements in a Senate committee report, told the panel that the Senate committee had essentially lied about the testimony of another CIA employee, contradicted the Faux News story that she was never undercover, and called to task those who claim she arranged her husband's trip to Niger. But, of course, those are inconvenient truths. So, like global warming, Republicans chose to ignore them.


Blogger KISSWeb said...

I saw that and totally agree. And that's AP -- mainstream and disgraceful.

12:57 PM  

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