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Monday, March 05, 2007

Media play: Coulter slime vs. Kerry joke

Want air-tight proof that the “mainstream press,” the “MSM,” is the kept press for the Republican Party? Do the numbers: how much coverage is Ann Coulter getting for calling a Presidential candidate, former Vice presidential candidate, and former Senator a “faggot” -- and apparently receiving huge applause from her Republican audience that had been or was to be graced by Giulani, Romney and Dick Cheney -- compared to the wall-to-wall coverage given Kerry for a quotation about George Bush ripped out of its context by Republican opposition researchers and given a meaning that obviously was not intended? The one, of course, tells us a huge amount about an extremely popular pundit within the Republican camp, and a hell of a lot about the hateful, divisive attitude at the core of that party itself. The other told us absolutely nothing about either John Kerry himself or the Democrtaic Party. So which one gets 3 or 4 (or more) times the media play?

We should get on this. The provable, quantifiable difference, I will bet, will be stark and startling. Watch the DC crowd squirm like little poisonous toads. That might actually be a legitimate basis – not likely a successful one, but legitimate -- for calling for the heads of editors of the Washington Post and other sell-out media outlets. Does anyone think the Walter Reed story would have been published in the Post if it had been someone with less stature than Dana Priest doing it?


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