
The Aeration Zone: A liberal breath of fresh air

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Rose Mary Woods all over again

In post entitled "Shades of Rose Mary Woods? An 18 day gap?" Josh Marshall tells us there is an 18 day gap from Nov. 15 thru December 4, 2006 in the documentation the Administration provided Congress on the US Attorney purge. That's a pretty key period in the days leading up to the firings on December 7.

In fact, it's curious, but it seems that almost all the documentation provided is after-the-fact gabblings trying to get a good story line going for what happened before-the-fact. There's very little documentation of the before-the-fact decision making. Of course, if they knew they were firing these guys as political retribution, they wouldn't have put that down on paper, would they?


Blogger ChiTom said...

Well, as Gomer Pyle used to say, "Soo-prise, soo-prise, soo-prise!"

The gap illustrates the still larger selectivity that went on in releasing this "data-dump" (e.g., excluding conversation between DOJ & WH, I believe). The "data" has almost certainly been manipulated, so that a report in the WaPo today will say:

For all their vivid detail, the e-mails and other records shed little light on the Bush administration's motives for carrying out the firings in the way it did. The new documents also provide little evidence that Justice officials sought to interfere with public corruption probes, as many Democrats and some of the prosecutors have alleged.

They may well "provide little evidence" of interference (but "little light" on any other "motives" as well): of course not! That is not to say the evidence does not exist. This is the same shell game that The Regime has always played (Iraqi WMD and so forth).

Hopefully people (and WaPo, etc.) aren't going to buy it again. Quoth Gomer, "fool me once shame on me; fool me twice shame on you." 'Course, we're way beyond twice, now, aren't we?

11:00 AM  

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