Pussyfooters by definition boring
Climbing out of one blackhole before falling into the next, my comment on Waldon's boredom:
The CNN "debate" using the term loosely among eight Dems portrayed the kind of(you should pardon the Geo. Wallace expression) "pussyfooting" that has characterized Democratic leadership for nearly seven years. No courageo positions were taken, no definitive, innovative policy was advanced. Should this be a surprise after watching the Democratic Congress we worked hard to elect get shoved off the playground in failing to limit spending, get time tables, and even viable benchmarks regarding appropriations war bill for Iraq? In marketing terms, not an iota of incremental value that would make an independent buy or a Republican switch brands was communicated by this group of eight. Largely an exercise in CYA this exhibition of self serving grandstanding contributed little to the public policy crisis that faces the nation. When the Democratic candidates lay out the eight fallacies (cited often in this Blog) that underpin the GOP propaganda machine that drives the Bush Administration and pulverize them before the eyes of the American people, voters will start to get it and put a Democrat in the Presidency. While the GOP has no level it won't sink to to win, you can't steal a landslide.
The CNN "debate" using the term loosely among eight Dems portrayed the kind of(you should pardon the Geo. Wallace expression) "pussyfooting" that has characterized Democratic leadership for nearly seven years. No courageo positions were taken, no definitive, innovative policy was advanced. Should this be a surprise after watching the Democratic Congress we worked hard to elect get shoved off the playground in failing to limit spending, get time tables, and even viable benchmarks regarding appropriations war bill for Iraq? In marketing terms, not an iota of incremental value that would make an independent buy or a Republican switch brands was communicated by this group of eight. Largely an exercise in CYA this exhibition of self serving grandstanding contributed little to the public policy crisis that faces the nation. When the Democratic candidates lay out the eight fallacies (cited often in this Blog) that underpin the GOP propaganda machine that drives the Bush Administration and pulverize them before the eyes of the American people, voters will start to get it and put a Democrat in the Presidency. While the GOP has no level it won't sink to to win, you can't steal a landslide.
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