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Monday, October 22, 2007

Clinton does not equal Cheney in a pantsuit

Anonymous Liberal says this about Andrew Sullivan’s argument that Hillary Clinton will be just as bad on expansion of executive power as Bush and Cheney have been: balderdash. I agree. Strong executive? Sure, but there’s a hell of a difference between FDR, Truman, JFK, Lyndon Johnson and Bill Clinton, who were generally considered to be strong executives because they aggressively pursued substantive agendas, and the “Unitary Executive” and signing statements nonsense of this Republican administration – or Iran-Contra defiance under Reagan and George Bush I:

No one who would possibly be tapped to serve in Clinton's Office of Legal Counsel would subscribe to their fringe views. So there is no way that a Clinton administration would adopt anywhere near as hard a line on executive power issues as this administration has. It's just not possible.

Moreover, nothing could possibly do more to reawaken Republican concern for civil liberties and checks and balances than a Clinton presidency. Indeed, the combination of a massive Bush hangover and the return of conservative Clinton paranoia might be just the perfect storm necessarily to roll back some of the excesses of the Bush/Cheney era.

As readers of this blog know, Clinton is not my preferred candidate, but the idea that she's Cheney in a pant-suit is just crazy.


Blogger PoliShifter said...

Dick Cheney is his own unique brand of evil.

I don't want Hillary to get the nomination. I'm not so convinced she's the shoe-in the media says she is.

But I'll take her over any of the Republican candidates any day of the week.

I don't know if Hillary will give up the newly aquired executive power Bush/Cheney have established. But I'll feel a lot more comfortable with her as President.

I don't see her tapping my phone, reading my email, and monitoring my blog they way I think Bush/Cheney would.

I am convinced more and more everyday that what Bush/Cheney do is use their spy powers to gather intelligence on their political enemies.

Who knows, maybe Clinton will do the same, but she'll be spying on republicans and I say fuck'em. We've had 7 long years of this crap.

I agree with you. Hillary ain't my ideal candidate but she sure is a hell of alot better than a Bush, Cheney, Giuliani, Thompson, Romney or any other of the sad sad excuse for candidates the Republicans have.

1:12 AM  

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