
The Aeration Zone: A liberal breath of fresh air

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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

They'll be with us forever

DevilsTower over at Daily Kos has an interesting post about how Governor Blunt of Missouri, fearing a Democratic takeover of the state, have given a favored contractor a 30 year contract to handle all bridge repairs in the state. And, in order to avoid having to pay for the repairs while the Republicans are in power, the contract puts the payment at the back-end of the construction work so the Dems will have to pick up the tab once they are in power.

I have a feeling we're going to be seeing a lot more of this kind of thing as we close in on the 2008 elections, particularly if, as seems likely right now, the prospects for the Republicans continue to get bleaker. They will try to lock in whole government with long-term, non cancelable contracts to favored companies (e.g., Halliburton, Blackwater, etc.) who will make jobs for the thuglicans who are being booted out.

That, together with a packed Supreme Court, means we will have the legacy of this disastrous administration to contend with for as long as the eye can see.


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