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Friday, September 12, 2008

Another dud for Obama

From T.A. Frank at the Washington Monthly:

..Here's what I cannot understand. As an opponent, John McCain is a gift. He has changed his positions drastically. He has made countless cringe-worthy statements. ($50 an hour to pick lettuce, anyone?) He has fibbed. He has twice endorsed Bush for president. He has done it all on video. Whereas the GOP must go after Obama with a Sherman tank, the Dems, thanks to McCain's long video trail of shifting positions, have the option of using quiet ridicule and mockery. And mockery tends to hit at character--to make us casually feel that a politician is being, well, a politician. Obama used it deftly against Hillary Clinton. Humor works. It really, really works. So why dreadful ads about John McCain and email?

I have to agree. That's a terrible ad. It insults the elderly (and others) who also don't know how to e-mail and it fails to have any real bite. The ads need to focus on things people know are true (or can be shown to be true). This ad just makes assertions. My reaction is that it is just one more political ad to tune out. Christ, show McCain contradicting himself. Show McCain last night saying he's "divorced from reality."

I gather the latest poll shows McCain up by 4 points nationally, and climbing every day.

Meanwhile, the Republican talking point today is that Obama was called to the woodshed by the boss (President Clinton) to give him a whipping. Wasn't that what they used to do to the slaves?


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