The failure of democracy
I just put this post on my facebook page. After the NY Times discussed the worldwide failure of democracy yesterday on the front page, I felt I had to contribute a shared vision. Yes, democracy is DEAD. But what can replace it? I still don't know, but I have a feeling that it has something to do with the interconnectedness of the internet. This is a passage from a Frederick Maryatt book written in about 1820.
"The question now is," continued Alfred, "as two of the parties, Franceand England, have proved so short-sighted, whether the Americans, havingthrown off their allegiance, have not been equally so in their choice ofa democratical government?""How far a modern democracy may succeed, I am not prepared to say,"replied Mr. Campbell; "but this I do know, that in ancient times, theirduration was generally very short, and continually changing to oligarchyand tyranny. One thing is certain, that there is no form of governmentunder which the people become so rapidly vicious, or where those whobenefit them are treated with such ingratitude.""How do you account for that, sir?" said Alfred."There are two principal causes. One is, that where all men are declaredto be equal (which man never will permit his fellow to be if he canprevent it), the only source of distinction is wealth, and thus thedesire of wealth becomes the ruling passion of the whole body, and thereis no passion so demoralizing. The other is, that where the people, or,more properly speaking, the mob govern, they must be conciliated byflattery and servility on the part of those who would become theiridols. Now flattery is lying, and a habit equally demoralizing to theparty who gives and to the party who receives it. Depend upon it, thereis no government so contemptible or so unpleasant for an honest man tolive under as a democracy.""It is my opinion, sir, and I believe a very general one," said Alfred."How far the Americans may disprove such an opinion," continued Mr.Campbell, "remains to be seen; but this is certain, they have commencedtheir new form of government with an act of such gross injustice, as towarrant the assumption that all their boasted virtues are pretense. Irefer to their not liberating their slaves. They have given the lie totheir own assertions in their Declaration of Independence, in which theyhave declared all men equal and born free, and we can not expect theDivine blessing upon those who, when they emancipated themselves, wereso unjust as to hold their fellow-creatures in bondage. The time willcome, I have no doubt, although perhaps not any of us here present maysee the day, when the retribution will fall upon their heads, or ratherupon the heads of their offspring; for the sins of the fathers arevisited upon the children, even to the third and fourth generation.
A glimmering image of parallel to current American experience as the oligarchs rise and the gulible voters aggrandize their misguided heros.
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