Immigration, relax and enjoy it
It's possible to raise a false dichotomy between guest worker programs and legal immigration with permanent citizenship. The former might or might not include some process whereby a worker acquires citizenship. The Senate bills and Bush's proposal have some scope for citizenship. It could be made easy or hard, extended to few or many. It can become a matter of degrees.
The inescapable facts are a) even if you wanted to, you could not deport illegals to any non-trivial extent; b) people are going to want to come here under any plausible scenario, because there is always some place that is worse; c) the economy can absorb any number of new workers, so if they come, it will.
It's inevitable, so relax and enjoy it. Let it be the wedge issue that destroys the Republican Party for a few decades. Seek class solidarity that enables improved labor standards for all.
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