
The Aeration Zone: A liberal breath of fresh air

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Monday, September 25, 2006

House Democrats to resist adjournment

Nancy Pelosi apparently has written a letter telling Dennis Hastert that Democrats will actively resist adjournment unless the House acts on five key issues before Friday:

Dear Speaker Hastert:

More than three weeks ago, we wrote to you requesting action on key issues facing the American people. Though we have yet to receive a response from you, the urgency to act remains: from national security to economic security, from the cost of health care and college tuition to the price at the pump, our country is heading in the wrong direction.

Based on the concerns of all Americans, Congress must act on five key issues that have an immediate impact on the lives of the American people before adjourning for the November election. As Majority Leader Boehner continues to say that Congress will adjourn by Friday, September 29th, this leaves less than one week in which to act. We reject assertions that the people's business can wait until after the November election, and therefore, unless you address the following issues, Democrats will actively resist adjournment...

Frankly, I'm not quite sure where this goes. I guess it may give the Dems a platform to make "do nothing Congress" charges. But, my guess is the Rethuglicans will just disappear, leaving the Dems looking like fools. We'll see.


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