
The Aeration Zone: A liberal breath of fresh air

Contributors (otherwise known as "The Aerheads"):

Walldon in New Jersey ---- Marketingace in Pennsylvania ---- Simoneyezd in Ontario
ChiTom in Illinois -- KISSweb in Illinois -- HoundDog in Kansas City -- The Binger in Ohio

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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Stay the course

The short version of Gen. Abizaid's testimony is "stay the course." According to him, we can't pull out, and, although we could increase troop strength by 20,000 for a little while, we don't have the forces to sustain that increase.

Now, it seems to me we've been with "stay the course" for quite awhile, and everything is going the wrong direction. Why anyone would think continuing on this way will do any good is beyond me. True, pulling out may lead to chaos, but what have we got now? At least our troops wouldn't be in the middle.


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