
The Aeration Zone: A liberal breath of fresh air

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Friday, January 12, 2007

Another health care proposal

Ezra Klein summarizes a new health care proposal from Jacob Hacker:

Jacob Hacker's new plan through EPI... Hacker's plan isn't Medicare-for-All, at least not quite. As he puts it, it's really Medicare-for-Many. The government will create a new, Medicare-style health plan that's open for enrollment to any and all individuals interested in jumping in, covers mental health and maternal care, and has strict limits on out-of-pocket spending. Simultaneously, all employers will be required to offer insurance as good or better than the new government plan. If they don't want to contract out with the private sector, they'll pay 6% of payroll to enter their workers into the government plan. The unemployed and self-employed will have to buy coverage, and there'll be heavy subsidies tied to income. Done.

This sounds like a good start to me. The only thing I would add, which I think would be required to make it work, is that all private insurance must be community rated. Otherwise, they would suck the cream off the top of the market and leave only the sick and self/un-employed for the Medicare-type plan. That would put too much of a financial burden on the Medicare plan.


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