
The Aeration Zone: A liberal breath of fresh air

Contributors (otherwise known as "The Aerheads"):

Walldon in New Jersey ---- Marketingace in Pennsylvania ---- Simoneyezd in Ontario
ChiTom in Illinois -- KISSweb in Illinois -- HoundDog in Kansas City -- The Binger in Ohio

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Friday, October 05, 2007

Support the troops

I saw this story on CNN last night. A National Guard unit that had been deployed to Iraq for 22 months was sent home on the 729th day. If they had been sent home one day later, they would have qualified for education benefits under the GI bill. As it is, those benefits were denied.

Sounds just like the Bush government, doesn't it?


Blogger KISSWeb said...

And sounds like a story Dems could exploit, although it sounds like they are going to try to resolve it as some kind of mistake by an overzealous underling.

4:19 PM  

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