
The Aeration Zone: A liberal breath of fresh air

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Thursday, July 03, 2008

Who is more incompetent as a President?

George W. Bush who gave us a war.. maybe two wars now with Iran,
tried his level best to bankrupt the government with record deficits,
has two recessions to his credit with a doozy this one just emerging
did nothing about energy or global warming with record gasoline prices
created the golden age of prosperity for CEOs, hedge fund managers and the top 1%,
left the rest of us poorer with a decrease in our standard of living and with housing values rapidly declining did nothing on his watch about the looming deficit in Social Security or Medicare totally mismanaged government agencies like the FDA ( Heparin and tomatoes) and Homeland Security (Katrina), turned the rest of the world against us, didn't get bin Laden or WMDs, was the biggest liar as President in affairs of state has not had one single accomplishment in the 8 years he has been President .. or Herbert Hoover who just gave us a depression with 25% unemployment?


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