
The Aeration Zone: A liberal breath of fresh air

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Scooter Libby: “It’s so, like, unfair. Mama!!!”

If you’ve been following the unbelievable weeping and wailing of Washington insiders over a convicted liar being sent to jail for his offense – prosecuted by a Republican prosecutor before a Republican judge, and tried by a jury that found him a sympathetic figure but still guilty of the offenses charged – this entry by Digby on his “Hullabaloo” website is really a good one.

The Beltway crowd taking their cues from Paris Hilton's mother include Time’s allegedly liberal columnist Joe Klein, Fred Thompson, Condi Rice, Hopkins academic and neo-con media star Fouad Ajami in an unbelievably maudlin essay, and scores of Beltway letter-writers to the judge. They really operate in a parallel universe. If they are part of the “in” crowd, nobody should dare to punish them even if they do run afoul of the little technicality called the law. Disclosure of the identity of a covert CIA agent who helps protect against the spread of weapons of mass destruction? Who cares? The CIA says she was covert? We don’t care, we say she wasn’t. Lying about his activities related to that disclosure during the official investigation? Big deal! Perjury? Nobody but nobody ever has to do any time for that, do they? (Whoops.)


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