
The Aeration Zone: A liberal breath of fresh air

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Friday, October 05, 2007

Spineless wimps cave again

Jesus, every time you turn around, you see the Democrats surrendering on another issue.

After a stalemate of over two years, the Senate passed the 2008 Intelligence Authorization bill Wednesday, with Democrats ceding a key provision regarding pre-war Iraq intelligence that Republicans had decried.

Sources close to the Senate Intelligence Committee say one of the compromises Democrats made to ensure the bill’s passage was to remove language demanding the White House turn over all Presidential Daily Briefings on Iraq prior to the 2003 invasion. Democrats are said to have been hoping to establish whether President Bush mischaracterized intelligence in the lead-up to the conflict.

“The provision on the PDBs was dropped because Republicans objected and were blocking consideration of the bill,” a Senate source said Wednesday.

Look, dammit, if the thing could go three years without being passed, it could certainly wait another year until we've gotten rid of the Thuglicans altogether. Meanwhile, if someone complains that things aren't getting done, it's pretty damned clear whose fault that is. So why cave in?

Simple answers to simple questions: because the Republicans are right. Democrats are spineless wimps.


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