
The Aeration Zone: A liberal breath of fresh air

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Sunday, October 07, 2007

What's in a name?

I guess what I find most interesting in this report is the name of the group:

A Florida-based group called Americans Against Hate plans to protest a Muslim Family Day at Six Flags Over Texas later this month because it says the Islamic organization sponsoring the event supports terrorism.

Ah, leave it to the narrow minded, xenophobic, Republican bigots to name a group like this "Americans Against Hate." Take any organization the Republicans name and define its opposite to determine its real purpose. "No child left behind" for example. "Healthy forests" is another.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Islamic Terrorism has a historic home and funding source, has that changed? See the video, 9/11 SYNDICATE:

12:46 PM  
Blogger PoliShifter said...

Yeah, like Freedom's Watch or Move America Forward, couple of Bush sycophantic groups. Freedom's Watch is headed up by Ari Fleischer.

They always have the opposite meaning too. Freedom's Watch is more aptly named Take Your Freedoms Away To keep You Safe and Move America Forward is really Moving America Backward.

I have a rule of thumb that seems to hold true:

The more patriotic a group or person tries to appear (massive amounts of flags and eagles) the more un-American they truly are.

Like those Gathering of Eagles Pro-War protestors. They show up clad in red, white, and blue. Yet at the Sept 15th rally they beat up the dad of a son who was killed in Iraq.

7:48 PM  

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