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Monday, September 15, 2008

It's the whole team of incompetents, not just this "honorable" guy

I put this as a comment on another website. Democratic talk must now move from focusing on the individuals -- Bush, McCain -- and hit the American people over the head time and time again with this question: Why in God's name would we put the same TEAM that has made such a colossal mess of our economy back in charge?

McCAIN'S TEAM is the identical team bound tightly with Wall Street, to Big Money, with a little lip service with zero results paid to fundamentalist Christians -- with Karl Rove pretending to try to knock down the Constitutional barrier between Chrurch and State that fundamentalist Christians demanded to protect their religious beliefs in the beginnings of this country. It's the team that calls workers thrown out of jobs with no pensions and no health insurance "whiners."

Democrats, on the other hand, must if they are to get elected and re-elected listen to auto workers and their representatives, teachers, police officers and firefighter, service workers, miners and small business people -- the whole gamut of American workers, white, black, Hispanic, male, female. Barack Obama has recieved contributions from more ordinary Americans than any candidate has in the history of the country. That's why only the Democrats can say "We the People" and really mean it. It's the whole point of the Party, and why more than ever it's time for a whole new team. It's not about getting the rich, it's about solving our problems. These are are not the imaginary problems that McCain's economics adviser said they are, but very real problems that will continue to drag our country down even further if they are not addressed now. Only "We the People" acting together for the good of the country can fix the mess that the Bush-McCain-Wall Street Team has dragged us into. There is no way a party beholden to Wall Street can work for "We the People."

Obama seems to be hesitating to use the words that align himself strongly with the Democratic Party, presumably because he wants to play the above-the-partisanship role and strip off independents and old fashioned Eisenhower/Rockefeller/Lugar/Hagel Republicans. Independents who pay attention will not be put off by this, because anyone who does knows it is essentially correct. Even libertarian Republican Alan Greenspan acknowledged that a country in which the inequality spread is growing as rapidly as it has been in the United States is a country in trouble -- which means, of course, that in real terms the need to turn the Titanic around is not a partisan issue at all. Populism done right -- hatred that might trigger the media into counterattack is unnecessary -- will sell.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama has only 6 weeks to establish his brand identity and that must be with the average American. He must do it now. He must hit hard on how he is with the average American.

8:03 PM  

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