
The Aeration Zone: A liberal breath of fresh air

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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Professionalization of the blogs

I hope Kevin Drum is wrong about this. He concludes:

I suspect that within two or three years virtually all of the high-traffic political blogs will essentially be professional operations. Think of it as the talk radio-ization of the political blogosphere.

What's been great about the blogosphere to date is the variety of intelligent (and sometimes less than intelligent) opinion available. With "professionalization" comes blandness, I'm afraid. Sooner or later all the big blogs will be bought up by the big media empires, and everything will begin to sound like Faux News or CNN.

Frankly, I like the little guys best. I liked Kos better before he became the huge mishmash of stuff he is now. I liked Atrios better before he became a "thread." I know that a lot of these places have essentially become chat rooms. For those who like that, fine. I'm not that chatty.


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