
The Aeration Zone: A liberal breath of fresh air

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Monday, October 08, 2007

Your Republican government at work

Your Republican government at work:

Dr. Friedel was the latest victim of a product whose dangers had become known months earlier to the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the companies that made and sold it. Before Dr. Friedel bought Stand ’n Seal, at least 80 people had been sickened using it, two of them fatally.

But even then, with the threat well-documented, the manufacturer, retailer and the commission had failed to remove the hazard from the shelves.

Court documents show that, as the case unfolded, the product’s maker, BRTT, appeared at times to be more concerned with protecting its bottom line than with taking steps to ensure that the hazard was removed. That meant that hazardous cans of Stand ’n Seal remained on the shelves for more than a year after the 2005 recall.

And the product that BRTT initially rushed to put in its place — and which Dr. Friedel and others bought — contained the same chemical that had apparently caused injuries in the first place, the company and Home Depot now acknowledge.

It's becoming abundantly clear that the Consumer Product Safety Commission is a joke. We might do better without it (at least in its Republican configuration). Then, everyone would just assume every product on the market is harmful.


Blogger KISSWeb said...

No, we would not do better without it. Yes, it is one more piece of evidence that the party that hates government cannot govern competently. By now it should be "Duhhhh"!

12:10 PM  

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