
The Aeration Zone: A liberal breath of fresh air

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Saturday, January 12, 2008

A Recount in New Hampshire Is Important

From the DC underground:

We've barely completely the first actual primary election in this cycle and already there are huge suspicions on the blogs and on the radio about the veracity of the results. Maybe it's because there is so must hard evidence after the fact that the last two presidential elections were stolen outright. As reported by election protection watch groups, in particular there appears to be a consistent pattern of discrepancies between the optical scan counted and machine counted votes. These doubts must be dispelled.If we want people to turn out and actually vote in record numbers like a healthy functioning democracy, people must have confidence to believe that their votes will actually count. There must be a recount in this case, and every other such case, and one of two things will happen. Either 1) the count will be demonstrated accurate, in which case that confidence is enhanced, or 2) we uncover problems and we start fixing them now. Either way, this is a very worthy endeavor.Only Dennis Kucinich has demonstrated the leadership on the Democratic side to call for this needed recount, even though another candidate, who we do not need to name, with tens of millions in the bank, could have it done for much less money under NH law because they were within 3 points of the declared winner.

New Hampshire Deputy Secretary of State, David M. Scanlan, statement below should be embraced.

"Perhaps the best thing that could happen for us is to have a recount to show the people that the votes that were cast on election day were accurately reflected in the results."

Let there be no doubt in anyone's mind that every vote was counted, recorded and reported. Nothing will strengthen our democracy more than the certainty that the process is working and faithful.And for those concerned about the expense, what is the expense of putting the wrong people in and getting saddled with a two trillion dollar illegal and generational foreign occupation and quadrupled oil prices? Election recounts are true democracy at a bargain price..


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